Moving to a new home is a big deal. It’s exciting and can also bring on a hint of anxiety as you prepare to transition from one chapter of life to the next. One of the most overlooked but essential steps in the moving process is decluttering. Not only does decluttering simplify your move, but it also allows you to enter your new home with a fresh start, free of unnecessary baggage—both physical and emotional.

declutter before a move donate old items

Let’s explore why decluttering before a move is so important , how to do it effectively, and tips for maintaining an organized approach throughout the moving process.

Why Declutter Before a Move?

Decluttering Reduces Stress

One of the biggest causes of stress during a move is the sheer volume of items. From packing to unpacking, the more stuff you have, the more overwhelming the process becomes. Decluttering before a move can significantly reduce the stress of managing endless boxes and extra furniture. You’ll be able to focus on packing what truly matters and find yourself less bogged down by the trivial.

It Saves Money

Moving companies often charge based on the weight of the items they transport and the time they spend loading and unloading. Decluttering can reduce the number of belongings that need to be moved, saving you money. Plus, moving fewer items means fewer packing supplies—like boxes, tape, and bubble wrap—helping you trim your overall moving budget.

Decluttering Means a Fresh Beginning

Moving into a new home offers a clean slate, and decluttering is a symbolic way of leaving behind the old to make space for the new. It allows you to curate your space more intentionally and avoid cluttering your new home with items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy.

It Lessens Environmental Impact

By decluttering, you can donate or recycle items with life left in them instead of mindlessly tossing them into a landfill. Many organizations and charities will gladly accept gently used clothing, furniture, and electronics donations. You’re not just making your move easier; you’re helping your community and reducing your carbon footprint.

How to Declutter Before a Move

Step 1: Start Early

The earlier you begin decluttering, the better. Moving is time-consuming, and adding decluttering to the mix can feel overwhelming if you wait until the last minute. Starting early allows you to break the task into smaller, more manageable chunks. Aim to begin decluttering at least 6-8 weeks before your move. This will give you ample time to sort through each room without feeling rushed.

Step 2: Tackle One Room at a Time

Rather than trying to declutter your entire home in one go, tackle one room at a time. This approach lets you focus on specific areas, making the process more organized and efficient. Start with the rooms you use the least, such as guest rooms, basements, or attics. You’ll build momentum and feel more accomplished as you complete these spaces.

Step 3: Sort Items into Categories

As you go through each room, divide your items into categories: Keep, Donate, Sell, Recycle, and Trash.

declutter before a move sell clothes online
  • Keep. These are items you use regularly or have sentimental value. Make sure they’re worth the effort of packing and moving.
  • Donate. Anything still in good condition but no longer useful should be donated. Many local charities and thrift stores will accept donations.
  • Sell. Before your move, consider selling items you no longer need, such as electronics, furniture, or clothing. You can use online platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, or eBay to make a little extra money.
  • Recycle. Recycle items that can’t be donated or sold but don’t belong in the trash, such as old electronics, paper, or glass.
  • Trash. Anything broken, damaged, or worn beyond repair should be disposed of properly.

Step 4: Ask Yourself the Right Questions

When deciding whether to keep or part with an item, ask yourself:

  • When was the last time I used this?
  • Does this item serve a purpose in my current life?
  • Would I buy this again if I didn’t already own it?
  • Does this item bring me joy?

Step 5: Consider Storage Solutions

If you’re having trouble parting with certain items but aren’t sure they belong in your new home, consider renting a storage unit. This lets you keep sentimental or valuable items without cluttering your new space. Just be mindful not to use storage as a crutch for avoiding decluttering.

Step 6: Digitize Paperwork

Moving is an excellent time to eliminate unnecessary paper clutter. Sort through old documents, receipts, and manuals, and shred what you no longer need. For important paperwork, consider scanning and saving it digitally, which reduces the number of physical files you need to pack and organize.

Decluttering Tips for Specific Rooms


  • Donate unopened, non-perishable food to food banks.
  • Toss expired spices, sauces, and canned goods.
  • Get rid of duplicate utensils, appliances, or gadgets you rarely use.


  • Declutter your wardrobe by donating clothes, shoes, and accessories you no longer wear.
  • Sort through old linens and donate or recycle those that are no longer in good condition.

Living Room

  • Donate or sell furniture pieces that won’t fit your new space.
  • Sort through books, DVDs, and games, keeping only the ones you love.


  • Toss out expired beauty products, medications, and toiletries.
  • Get rid of any duplicate grooming tools.

Garage or Basement

  • Donate or sell old tools, exercise equipment, or holiday decorations you no longer use.
  • Recycle or properly dispose of hazardous materials such as old paint or chemicals.

Staying Organized During the Move

After decluttering, stay organized to make the move as smooth as possible. Here are a few tips:

  1. Label everything. Clearly label each box with its contents and the room in which it belongs.
  2. Create an inventory. Use a master list of everything in your home to ensure nothing gets left behind.
  3. Use a color-coding system. Assign a specific color to each room and place a colored sticker on the corresponding boxes for easy identification.

Bonus Tip: Hire Professional Packers

decluttering before a move professional packing and moving

You may be exhausted after sorting through an entire home’s worth of belongings. In that case, it’s worth considering hiring professional packing services to shoulder the burden of sorting, boxing, and labeling your items before the big move. Professional packers use the best techniques and materials to protect your belongings and ensure they arrive at your new home safely and securely. Plus, letting professionals handle the packing means you can focus on other aspects of the move!

Ready to Make Your Best Move?

Best US Moving believes a successful move starts with proper planning and organization. That’s why we recommend decluttering as the first step in the moving process. Before you start, check out our blog for more moving tips, download our Ultimate Moving Checklist, and request your free moving estimate today. Let us help make your next move the best move!